Why I decided to write ? -Musings, Week 1

Naveen Bagrecha
3 min readJan 8, 2021

You are your thoughts in action. Thoughts tell more about you as a person and where you are heading to. With writing, You have taken your first step to action is how I see things.

It all started after a chill Morning run late in 2019, when I usually read books. Always curious about what makes the 1% people extremely successful, My eyes fell on the book my friend had read — “Tools of Titans” by Tim Ferriss. I came across this interesting Journaling idea — The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.

She said writing morning pages are “spiritual windshield wipers” and “once we get those muddy, maddening, confusing thoughts [nebulous worries, jitters, and preoccupations] on the page, we face our day with clearer eyes.” Ferriss’ journal entries (no matter how scattered) accomplish two things: 1. Figuring things out. 2. Caging his monkey mind. On the second point, Ferriss said, “Morning pages don’t need to solve your problems. They simply need to get them out of your head, where they’ll otherwise bounce around all day like a bullet ricocheting inside your skull.”.

Scribble down 3 pages of whatever comes to your mind — No holds barred. Write down your motivation, your to do’s, your screw-up’s and how things could have been better, how you are feeling, how you will get out of this, what happened the previous day, your learning, the movie you went with your friends the previous night, your deepest fears and wildest desires, whatever runs on your mind, just anything… It’s like you are talking to self and knowing oneself better. The days I wrote the journal, helped me with a lot of clarity on how and what I would do about anything that lay in front of me,listing down my priorities and going about the day with a clearer purpose.

But, then me being the lazy person I am and with the preoccupations, I journaled very irregularly and if I were to remember, did journal writing only 8–10 days in the last 6 months. Last week, I started reading another book “Shoe Dog — A Memoir by Phil Knight”, the Creator of Nike. This book with the chronology of the events, Phil Knight being the gifted story-teller he is, his vivid visualizations of the journey across the world he did before starting Nike, make you feel as you are literally watching a movie.

This was the Aha!! Moment for me. How words well put up by writers can create visuals in the reader’s mind. Maybe I should write more often to improve my imagination and story-telling. With the work,family and everything I could at least manage to write weekly once,reflect on what I am doing, put it out to people, have their perspective, learn and grow, as I improve my writing and memory recall.

Literature can be so much fun with the word play and imaginative stories. I am sometimes awe-struck just thinking how the writer could come up with something like this. Try reading the below-

I bet you read this twice for the fun you had reading this, unless you are busy and decided to move on.

After putting the above word play image, I am like let me re-read how my article looks like. Just to realize it’s more of longer sentences. Reminding myself- “ This is just Attempt 1” of my writing. Assuring myself of practicing more often. One day, I just wish not to write words. But, write music and draw pictures in the reader’s mind.

And why did I decide to write in public? Like minded people can come together and maybe contribute to change for a better world. Second, feedback and criticism for faster learning with internet making one accessible to more people.

Thanks for reading the article. Help me create music and draw pictures by giving quick feedback below. I will be writing more of my learning and thoughts here from Life, Business, Long Distance Running,Human Mind and Psychology. Follow me on Medium and look forward to your support in the coming days.



Naveen Bagrecha

Dream. Believe. Do. Inspire. An Optimist. Be crazy. You Only Live Once. I read and write - Life, Business, Startups,Technology, Long Distance Running.